Friday, May 12, 2017

We people of this planet have been "people of the lies" through the deceptive practices of lucifer / aka satan and his minions from the 13 reptilian family bloodlines

   Please discern for yourself
  with the educational material    presented here.

The materials here are the Word as promised by God (of Light) to be here for us to study / research and discern as spiritual beings.  

   GOD  ATON --------->  ATONEMENT...

The technology of the Word coming to planet Earth (not channeled) can be best explained by the Host of God, Commander Hatonn himself:

We have been deceived by the Earth usurper lucifer (along with the fallen angels) who violated the "galactic cosmic non-interference prime directive" and took over this "Free Will" planet using all types of deception and mind control. 

And why are we getting these writings / teachings?  

1.  That's because satan violated laws involving "tampering with "Life" and "Death":

Quoting from page 6 of link below:

"[H: Or seed; ALL things in Creation come from their invisible “seed” recording—including man—so you can cross DNA anything and create “new” life- forms. And believe me, your adversary has “manufactured” every type of entity you can dream of, crossbred with every other type. When your Holy Bible says, “... Man will do greater things than I ...,” you had better believe it! That does not mean that God cannot do anything God desires to do; however, there are certain things man is not supposed to tamper with—and both “life” and “death” are at the top of the list. However, since you are on a Free Will planet, you have that choice. The problem is that that is usually when man wipes himself out. It happens over and over, and over, and over ... won’t you ever learn?] "

2.  Political factions of Earth have agreements that the Word has to be presented (not pushed) to the people here:

Quoting from page 3 of the following journal 112:


By taking full note as to WHO is trying to silence me! I am telling you the Spiritual TRUTH about that which the deceivers have trained and deceived you into accepting “as” truth. No, you have feasted on lies until you recognize NOT, TRUTH. My agreements with the hierarchy of your LAND are to ensure that you are allowed to have the information of TRUTH presented—not “pushed”, but “presented”. The POLITICAL factions with whom I have agreements are those who CAN allow mankind a fair shake—basically, based in America. Why? Because America is the newest “order” and COULD be caused to again function. 

3.   Satan's war against the christians:  he forgot God in this equation as "coach".  Quoting from link below page 2, left column:

"Their heinous plans for Global Control, with Satan as ruler on Earth, is as sinister as it gets, precious ones. Race War is one of the primary means of the Bolshevik Jew to gain control of governments—divide the citizenry any way they can be divided—and pit all sides against each other. Ask the Russians of “Soviet” Russia! And now the thrust is a Black vs. White confrontation.

However, the Zionists underestimated God’s input in this war equation. When the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said that Black America is tasked with “saving the soul of America”, this is a fact." 

4.   Commander Hatonn met with satan all the time and satan kept on being greedy and did not want to cooperate.  

Quoting from page 1 of link below (middle column):

"Do your Jewish Khazarian slave masters know who I am? Do they believe in UFOs and alien beings from other worlds? OF COURSE THEY DO—WE MEET WITH THEM REGULARLY. THE LAST THING YOUR EVIL RULERS WANT IS FOR YOU TO KNOW GOD AND HIS HOSTS HAVE COME TO RECLAIM HIS PEOPLE. Once you ones find this out, the adversary is finished—for he will no longer have any power over you."

 Anyway, here's what the Word is:

Quoting from page 1 of link below:

4/9/07 from ATON-jonur

I Am! I AM the LAW, the TRUTH, and the WORD. I AM THE SOURCE from which all things emanate. I have sent My “Heavenly” Hosts to give Truth to you of the planet Earth (called Shan) and I have sent the WORD in that Mine reflections—YOU—may know that the hour has come for thy choosings. As you look around the wondrous creation of your placement, you can see that Shan is full of the vile and evil doings of a Luciferian-influenced humanity that knows no reason of actions or a communion with Me. 

   So, who is Commander Hatonn?

Quoting from pages 10 and 11 of:

10/31/91 from HATONN-dharma

Hatonn is: Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn- Aton. I write through a “translator”; communications through pulsed short-wave transmission. This is not “psychic channeling” nor “hocus- pocus”. This is purely “physics” of frequency transmission, receiver termination of transmission and translation of the signal into the English language.

I am Commander of the “Phoenix Project”, serving the Command of the ONE whom you refer to as “The Messenger, Christos, God, etc.” The “Command Fleet” is from the sector Pleiades from which originated your ancestral lineage. My mission is in preparation for the return of the “God” to reclaim His property. He went forth and has prepared safe passage and “a place” for each of you who would come within His shelter. The choice is individual, for force is not of God and you have free will for all choices.

Our direct commission is to set the records into Truth of content of historical facts, for the planet is endingonecycleandbeginninganew and wondrous cycle of experience. This gives cause for you of the human species to make changes concurrent with the greater physical changes of the planet. Yours will be a “spiritual change” and may or may not include physical translation. Each will be given choice of direction and translation.

The purpose of these writings and speakings is to allow the Truth to be put forth unto the masses who would wish to receive them. The JOURNALS also serve as historical documentation of this portion of “history” relative to that which has come before—known and unknown— for whatever life forms and generations to follow this manifested experience.

You come against the wall, so to speak, wherein you all but cross the societal point of no return. You will act to reclaim your human rights or you will fall to the Adversary who, by the way—is that one touted to be the “anti-Christ”. You are in the time of, and the action of, Armageddon as recognized from prophecy. It makes no difference to me whether or not you are believing of this information. Truth will stand into infinity and God does not send us, the Hosts, to banter or kibitz with you about the facts of the matter—ours is to present the situation as it is, unto you.

Your “enemy” as to “space aliens” are now all landlocked to your orbiting system. YOU HAVE NO ENEMIES AMONG THE BROTHERHOOD IN SPACE (COSMOS). YOU DO HAVE ENEMIES IN YOUR “SPACES” BUT THEY ARE VERY EARTH- ORIENTED AND ORIGINATED. All of this is explained in depth in the writings—this message is for identification of myself and my co- workers who bring information and assistance at this time of evolution.

We bring the unfolding and uncovering of the actions upon your globe so that you can awaken unto your plight— with “reason” and “proof”. It is up to you as to what action you take for our commission is to respond to you who have asked input and assistance. We will DO nothing FOR you; we will serve and inform with “HOW TO” as we move along through the maze of incredible deceit. You have NOTHING TO FEAR from us of the Lighted Brotherhood of the Cosmos for we work and act only within the Laws of God and those of The Universal Creation (Natural). Your would-be- “Kings” (rulers of the globe) have heinous plans to injure you and place blame upon the Cosmic Brotherhood—what will be claimed is a blatant LIE. You are “People of the Lie” and unless you awaken and reclaim your heritage as nations and people—you shall fall—no more and no less.

Massive efforts are put forth to stop our presentations—so be it. We have naught to lose—YOU HAVE EVERYTHING TO LOSE, INCLUDING YOUR SOULS AS WELL AS YOUR LIVES PHYSICAL. My commission is to “inform” you and I shall do so to the best of my allowed abilities for I (we) are not allowed by Cosmic Law to interfere or intervene except in specific and delineated instances which have been covered in lengthy dialogue prior to this.

I serve aboard the Command Ship, Phoenix, and I head the Fleet Command. I am Commander of the United Federation Fleet, Intergalactic Federation Command. I link with other Commands, i.e., the referenced “Ashtar Command”, only in time of imminent planetary destruction at which point that Command will be in charge of any evacuation of general nature. Our Command will bring all of God’s people into security. I have no responsibility to the “adversary” nor his followers and no evil shall be brought into the places of Lighted God. Evil is a manifestation of “human” and we do NOT allow evil within our orderly God-revering societies. This does not, however, mean that ones who are in deciding will not be taken into a placement which can preserve “soul” survival.

I am not here to ask your permission for anything; I care not what any aspect thinks or believes. I have a mission of God and I shall see to it. You may join with me or deny me for it makes not one iota of difference. I do not “sell” anything—not this paper nor any other item. I have a commitment and obligation and I will see to it. 

You may do that which you will—agree or disagree. I do, however, suggest that all read with an open mind to the “possibilities” herein for you are told by all corners of your intelligence that you are in a traumatic time of change—you might well be advised to look into the possibility of the Truth of this information. I chair the Cosmic Council relative to this Universal Sector and I believe you will find that I am not overruled. He who denounces my person had best be carefully looked at through the intent of wisdom for I meet with any man and/or energy who claims my falseness. I find that no one ever, somehow, wishes to participate in that invitation for confrontation—do you not find that strange?

You will find most of the “New Age” groups and speakers fully in alignment with the “New World Order—Global Government”. This will be denied for they do not realize the subterfuge and “sucking in” of the innocent and ignorant. I suggest you pay close attention for you are on the brink of losing your world—not just your freedoms.

I shall continue to bring to your attention the cover-ups as they occurred and still occur. God has no mysticism nor hidden agenda—God is open and the only “mystery” is that which you simply do not yet understand—that too, He gives unto you openly and freely. There are no secret rituals or hidden doctrines, royal titles or elite placements. If you find any of these things in that which YOU follow—I suggest wisdom in discernment of your choices. If you give of your Power unto another according to his decrees — you have forfeited your Power forever. God asks that you accept and take your POWER in HIS name that you can become one within His Grace and reclaimer of that which is your rightful heritage.

I feel that we must begin to publish this identification and purpose for we are swamped with new readers and it is magnificently important that you KNOW who we are and that which we are about—for we are about our Father’s business. Again, you have nothing to lose by gaining TRUTH and insight—but you do have everything to lose in the physical and soul realms by remaining ignorant at the hands of the deceivers who would hide Truth from your eyes and ears. So be it. I salute you who assume responsibility. I pity you who do not and have great compassion as we pass on into the more compressing times ahead, as you perceive the journey. I offer my hand in love and brotherhood and I give you all that I have and am.

Accept or deny my person—but I suggest you look into the possibility that what we bring “might” well be Truth and you will come to understand. To deny the robber, who has just bound and gagged you, is to be a stupid fool. The better part of wisdom is to look, discern and then act. God never limits your investigation into all facets of the Truth—does your “minister”? Does your controlling hierarchy? I suggest you ponder this well.  " 

                                  ***   ***   ***   ***   ***

What is coming?
What is this mission about?

Quoting from on page 1 of link below:

   "Our mission is to see a remnant through what is coming."

"Commander Hatonn present in Aton’s Holy Light. Amen.


Many, many ones still have no idea who we are and what this mission is about. The notion that God is an extraterrestrial, or that His HOSTS from “Heaven” (“Sky”) are ancient astronauts who shaped, molded, and gave man civilization, is still somewhat “out there” in the minds of the masses. So what else can be done to clear up the misconception and the lies of the false “Jews” over the ages of time?

All we are permitted to do at this moment is to tell you how it is. The higher resources can only reach your mind—you have to be the hands and feet. Our mission is to see a remnant through what is coming.


And what is it that is so dreaded that great awareness, even among “non-believers”, if you will, is spreading throughout your nation and world? Could it be that the Prophecies of the Past have again come upon you?

Something catastrophic is projected by your own people to come upon the land. Is it by design, or natural, cyclic evolutionary happenings that are normal occurrences every so often?

It is both! Your satanic adversary is using every little (and big) thing to distract the citizenry, while he schemes to do away with Christianity on a massive scale! The very enemy of Christ Himself (returning as SANANDA) is the perpetrator of these dastardly things of the man-made variety. Do you see who the adversary represents today? Do you comprehend the connection between your economic devastation—and the threat of global pandemic plagues (not to mention manufactured “Terror” plots to really scare the pants off you)?

Is this not the Jewish Khazarian way??! Read your Holy Bible regarding these ones of evil intent. They ARE NOT God’s favorite! "

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   How does the Word get to people of Earth:

1.   See 1st paragraph of Commander Hatonn's bio above

2.   The description can be read at the link below:

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The enemy of man on Earth is known as the  
anti-christ and is very GREEDY for material wealth !!!


Quoting from link below (Contact paper titled:

Your Adversary is clever, but EXTREMELY Stupid !) page 1:


Your adversary is very clever and manipulates the people of God with a shrewd hand. And yet, he is extremely stupid; he is not smart enough to leave you anything. His total, all-consuming, parasitic greed does him in EVERY TIME.

This is the label the evil one wears whereby he is most easily recognized. It is the actions of a man or woman that reveal their true intentions. When the scope of the Global 2000 Plan is fully comprehended, there will be no doubt as to the origins of such a heinous scheme. I herein speak of the Anti-God/Anti- Christ himself, in all of his manifested forms. Unless you learn to recognize that which is of evil intent and against the Laws of God and The Creation, the Serpent in sheep’s clothing will get you every time.

Your houses of government and the courts of justice have become the new “temple” full with the “den of thieves” from Immanuel “Jesus’s” time. Do you see how much worse the cancer has spread two thousand years later? And yet, it is just as The Master Teacher said it would be. Do your Jewish Khazarian slave masters know who I am? Do they believe in UFOs and alien beings from other worlds? OF COURSE THEY DO—WE MEET WITH THEM REGULARLY. THE LAST THING YOUR EVIL RULERS WANT IS FOR YOU TO KNOW GOD AND HIS HOSTS HAVE COME TO RECLAIM
HIS PEOPLE. Once you ones find this out, the adversary is finished—for he will no longer have any power over you.

This is why you are told nothing but lies—even when truth might serve him better! Since this is evil’s nature it serves to point him out every time. The so- called “curse” the fallen ones have been kissed with is of their own doing. Use the knowledge to bring your world back from the brink of total self-destruction. 


                ***   ***   ***   ***   ***

Where does the enemy come from:

Quoting from page 2 of link below:


They are called the “Grey Men”. They have been labeled this for two reasons. Number one is because that is the “uniform” of the elite conspirators—grey business suits—the businessmen, politicians and lawyers, but most especially, the international banker cartel. It is the bankers who garnered the name “grey 
men” and made the attire infamous. Reason number two for the label is because of the alien species oftheir origin.

“Large-nosed Greys” (perhaps the distinctive Jewish Khazarian “beaked” nose has a cosmic identification as well) were the ancient visitors to Khazaria in southern Russia, and they are the EXTRATERRESTRIAL genetic lineage to today’s Jews of Israel.

The ruling, bigoted class in Palestine—and scattered about your world causing all the trouble—are “the fallen ones” who came to your Earth. Their intent is Global Control and the enslavement of the planet. So the prophecies of Demonic ETs coming out of the sky and up from within the earth is true; however, the presentation has been altered by the Khazars themselves. For it is not Steven Spielberg’s aliens or Tim Burton’s Martians Attacking that will be the reality.

You are all descendants of your space brothers, and it so happens that your adversary is descended from these large-nosed Greys, who are of God’s adversary.

Do not confuse them with the little “Moon-eyes” (as the Native Americans call them), these small extraterrestrials also called “Greys”. They come from a different star system than do the tall ones; their home is in the Zeta Reticulum binary star group.

These are the ones that are famous; they are also the ones who have been replicated by your government and now occupy the secret underground bases in Nevada and elsewhere. The originals are not what you see. The few who were incarcerated and killed, answering a “friendly” invitation by your government, is where your scientists got the alien DNA to manufacture them.

The intent is to produce an army of these little Grey aliens, to go along with a few captured and human engineered shiny discs, and terrorize you-the-people so that you will submit willingly to a One World Global Government run by the United Nations military. This is the “Blue Helmet” Nostradamus was efforting to tell you about nearly five-hundred years ago. Prophets are not like “psychics”—who “get it right 75% of the time.” A Prophet gets it right 100% of the time. You just have to know how to interpret it. Nostradamus was not referring to Saddam Hussein when he wrote of “the Blue Turban”—THE BLUE FLAG. He meant Israel’s blue flag and their bastard creation called the UN! As you can see, Satan’s fallen “angels” are well known in the scheme of things; it is you unenlightened people that are in the dark regarding past and current events.

The large-nosed greys, “aliens” in the truest sense of the word, are not allowed back out into the cosmos any more and have become “landlocked” within your own planetary system of planets. They are no longer free to traverse interstellar (star) or intergalactic (galaxy) space; they too are “prisoners” of whatever happens on your orb. Your allowance of their control of your money and political resources is what has all but ruined your world. And it is their policies, social changes and manipulation of your religions that hasbrought you to the brink of a Biblical “Armageddon”."

The khazarian mafia's boss is lucifer / aka           satan.  

Quoting on P.1 (Middle column):

“Just as the Bolshevik Jews did not believe the Christian Russians could take back their country from the Soviets, the Jews in America do not think you Christians can unseat them from power. The Jews in your nation, called Zionists, have illegally occupied your government’s foreign relations powers, along with the Pentagon itself. That means Lucifer himself is in the driver’s seat, dear ones.”       

      (Note:  more info at )

                   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***

Something like the info below has never been known to lots of folks around the world:

The most 2 powerful forces of this planet are russians (northern christian russians & southern satanic ones) and they have been at war for about 900 years:

Quoting from page 1 of link below:


Do not be fooled by what you have been told about Russia these long decades past. The Kremlin was a mighty nation under the Czar (Caesar), and from 1917 onward they have become the most powerful nation that has ever been on the face of your globe. The Zionist “Jews” of Khazarian (Ashkenazim) lineage have lied about the capabilities of Russia, and they have NEVER allowed you-the-people to know the true strength and ferocity of the “Bear”. Your own prophets told you that America is “at the feet of the bear” and that Russia will play a major role in the destruction of such as New York.

What you ones also do not know—you who are still new to the writings—is that the two top combatants of your world who will engage each other in mortal, earth-shaking conflict are both Russian. For more than 900 years, the Christians of Russia have been at war with their atheistic kin who lived to the south of the vast Russian/Soviet empire. If you will recall, such evil creatures as Kissinger, the Hollywood “Moguls” (Mongols or Mongolians is where the term originated—remember the nomadic raiders who terrorized all of Asia?) who own the “entertainment” industry, and the ruling elite of Israel all came from Poland—by way of Russia! No two deadlier enemies have ever walked your planet.”

                   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***           

Christian Russian's Comospheres' capability etc...  

Quoting from link below:



Another factor in the follow-up American nuclear attack is to be high-power laser weapons, in two ways.  The first way has to do with our ICBMs. Floating over all American ICBM installations today are Soviet Cosmospheres—they are there in order to blast our ICBMs at the moment of launch using their Charged Particle Beam-weapons.  "

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Note:  It was Vince Foster who gave the “US nuclear codes” to new khazaria (aka israel) back then (& he got killed)

Quoting from page 2 middle column from link below:

Hilder then talks to James Norman, Former Senior Editor of your prestigious Forbes Magazine about the suiciding of Clinton White House aide Vince Foster.

Foster was the man who made it possible for the Israeli government to gain access to first strike capability with your nuclear missiles. This is how the PROJECT Z / Nuclear War I battle plan was able to come into being. The terrorist spy service of the Jews—the blood-thirsty Mossad—paid Foster large sums of money by way of several secret Swiss bank accounts. He then provided the codes and the system by which American missiles are activated and launched.”

                 ***   ***   ***   ***   ***


Quoting from link below:

"Hatonn to continue, in the Light of Truth, and in service unto Divine God Aton. Man must come to the realization that God does send US, his “Messengers” (which is the Greek word “Angels”), to bring His WORD. It is up to you what you choose to do with it. However, since your world is in such dire straits, I would suggest that each do, to the very best of his/her ability, that which they can do to help their fellow man. You are going to have to care about that one you don’t know. Everyone who is not of the Zionist Khazar Bolshevik “Jews” is in danger of losing EVERYTHING—INCLUDING YOUR LIVES! "

              * * *    * * *   * * *    * * *   * * *   

                     WHO BENEFITS ???
 with all the killings around the world???

 The anti-christ wants to "trap you in the physical" and that's why there are a lot of killings around their instigated "fighting zones" (they call them "wars" - - but no "declaration of wars" papers signed...):   killing for profit (GOD:  Gold, Oil, & Drugs beside other raw materials and minerals).

Quoting from page 3 of the link below:


And what’s wrong with that? The senses were created for you to enjoy them. However, when there is a preoccupation with “pleasure”, and a lust for “the good things in life”, the trap can be laid to capture the soul.

Man has more than the five senses he utilizes. All that you need to return to God’s Heavenly Places is already a part of you. It is the Divine Gift given to you by our Creator. However, after long eons of practicing negative emotions and feelings, the physical body no longer responds readily to those things that are God’s. Man then seeks, and believes he longs for, those experiences that excite only the physical. Lust of the body, greed for material things that do not enhance the soul, but rather tear it down and become the all-consuming goal of life. And when the soul is forsaken in such a manner, the spirit suffers greatly. However, to the Jew, the spirit is not the important thing to worry about. It is the here and now of Sense Gratification that drives him.

Lifetime after lifetime, his soul returns to again satisfy those physical desires. More money, greater excitement, the thrill of killing, anything to experience more pleasure (or pain, as the case often is) so he can “feel alive”. And all the while, he is really killing the soul, which in truth is the only part of you that is alive. The senses of man do not “live”; they only allow the soul to participate in the physical dimension. A body is not needed in those higher dimensions—so you do not take anything “physical” with you. That means that all the “fun” you think you want to have is on the physical plane. The Jew’s “heaven” is not with God in those places of harmony and balance and RESPONSIBILITY; it is back down in the flesh and blood world of senses in motion.

                     THE GOAL IS TO

This IS the ultimate goal, my friends, to capture mankind in the pleasures of those five senses. By promising you all sorts of rewards of an earthly nature, the adversary to God and man hopes to steer you away from God and His (and The Creation’s— two separate things) Laws of balance and love. Love does not mean to go fool around with someone; it means to give. And when you are REgiven, as you would have someone do unto you, that is expressing like God. The problem has grown to be that man no longer expects to be treated well. That is the result of what the Luciferians have foisted off on your civilizations over these long centuries of existence.

You see, the goal has always remained uppermost in the minds of the Jew. He does not like you goodly


Christians, nor does he care for “your” God. He keeps isolated to himself in self-imposed “ghettos” so that the Jew can plot and scheme on how best to do you in. And there are backup plans behind their backup plans in case things do not go their way. So much so, in fact, that you now have an entire world that functions through criminal politics and HEAVY BLACKMAIL. These Elite Deceivers choose ones who already delve in negative behavior and debasing actions, which are later used to blackmail the ones in point. However, it is the fear of having a goodly man, such as an Obama or a Congressman Clyburn, that makes the deceivers nervous. For these beloved entities connect WITH the people. Now that the world finally has A REPUBLIC OF YOU-THE- PEOPLE (completing what Julius Caesar tried to do when he was murdered by the 10 or 12 senators who betrayed him—“... And you too Brutus?” ...), the United States of America has, once again, become the hope of the world. Since you outnumber the Jew 7 billion to one, he has to pull his top card in order to finally subdue and crush the masses. We are speaking of the grandest deception in all of Creation. It will be this present generation of humanity who will witness this event. But remember—this is WHY you volunteered to return! But let us LIVE! so we can get the job done. The attitude, however, is correct! 


                          ***   ***   ***   ***   ***

We people of this planet have been "people of the lies" through the deceptive practices of lucifer / aka satan and his minions from the 13 reptilian family bloodlines

    Please discern for yourself   with the educational material    presented here. The materials here are the Word as promised by God...